A Change of Pace

Well, today, I think I am going to break habit just a bit. The last couple of weeks, I’ve been posting new music for you to enjoy.

Today, I’m just going to post my thoughts.

Ok, you might still get some music out of this, but thoughts first. 🙂

I will keep this short and to the point.  There are so many noises that fill up our ears throughout the week. It can be deafening.
It is also so easy to think that worship MUST be limited to music. Yes, Music is a crucial part of our worship, but in our deafening lifestyles, sometimes we long for just a little ‘peace and quiet’. How easy is it, then to want a break from what we consider “worship”? When we should be living lifestyles that echo constant worship, we find ourselves running from it into our little quiet places, getting frustrated with style or volume of worship at church, or finding ourselves feeling dry or distant from God. The irony is that when we find that place of true worship -worship in spirit and truth- we are constantly renewed. We find rest, comfort, energy, peace. We are ‘lifted up on the wings of eagles’ so to speak.

This weekend, let me challenge you: Have a change of pace. Don’t limit your worship. Have an intentional time of worship that has nothing at all to do with music. It will look different to everyone. And do it before you go to church on Sunday. It will make it that much sweeter a moment.

Let me get you started on ideas:

“Worship: The expression of reverence and adoration.”