Tag: School

  • Productive

    If you’re one of those “go with the flow”, “glass is half-full”, “I’ll get it done tomorrow” kind of people, you may not understand this. Opposite people (like me) will understand this completely. I hate not being productive. Yes, I do my fair share of slacking off and socializing…now. Believe it or not, that was…

  • 13 Simple Ways to Get through a Rough Day

    Today I have a neuro test. At 12:30. After class ends at 11:50. Sometimes serious thought just isn’t what the doctor ordered for the day. After all, a joyful heart is the best medicine! And this made me laugh. ENJOY! 13 Simple Ways to Get through a Rough Day

  • Passion or Compassion

    Alright. Stick with me. I think it will be worth it. I debated on whether to put pictures and such…but…I think it would be more of a distraction about cool places or (if it were me) digress to pity. And pity is absolutely NOT the point here. Without further ado… “And there came a leper…

  • Be All There (Part 3)

    Yesterday, I was absolutely overwhelmed at the response to my post. I was truly excited, truly humbled… And then truly confused. “Why are people even reading this? I don’t know anything!” And then truly ridiculous. “How am I going to write anything that people are going to care about again? I don’t think I have…

  • Awe.

    “Awe (noun). a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder:” Studying Neuroanatomy is pretty awful for me. Awful in the “very bad or unpleasant” sense, sometimes. But, many times, it blows me away how intricately we are created. Do you realize that there are tracts in your body specifically designated to help you…

  • It’s Not the 4th of July…

    My first phrase as a kid was “I do it myself”. If you know me at ALL, this probably doesn’t come as a surprise. I mean, c’mon! See how good I was at getting toilet paper? I was a pro! I definitely understand the whole “I might as well do it if it’s going to…

  • Be All There (Part I)

    Be All There (Part I)

    “Wherever you are be all there.” –Jim Elliot   I think I first heard this quote in college. I’ve been working on it ever since. It has become increasingly important in managing life, especially since there are now more people in my life (mainly hubby and baby) and more difficult tasks to tackle (I won’t list…

  • Let’s start with Bill.


  • And so it begins…

    It all started one day when yet another of my classmates asked me the question. “How do you do it?” I’ve stopped asking “What do you mean?” I know full and well what they mean. I am young, Married to a wonderful man who also happens to be a Worship Pastor, Mother to my beautiful…