Category: The Letneys

  • On Finding Your Person

    On Finding Your Person

    If you have spent any of your single life in a church, you probably have a minimum of 2 lists. 1) A list of what you want in a mate. 2) A list of what you don’t want in a mate. You were likely encouraged to start with deal-breakers (loves Jesus, treats me well…). You…

  • Hiding the Word in Little Hearts – St. Patrick’s Day BONUS

    Hiding the Word in Little Hearts – St. Patrick’s Day BONUS

    Every once and a while, Michael and I re-evaluate things that we feel that we could do better. Pretty basic, right? Budgeting, time management, marriage…But sometimes, we look at how we are doing with teaching the girls about our faith…which is a pretty big deal when you think about it. We have been given clean,…

  • Dear Patient

    Dear Patient

    Some of you will simply find me in a phone book via some online directory, needing something short and specific. I’ll see you once, maybe twice, and then we will part ways. Not because anything is wrong with you or with me. But just because life will take us that way. This isn’t really for…

  • Why National WOMEN Physician Day

    Why National WOMEN Physician Day

    I was standing in the OR, obviously pregnant with our second child, when the attending surgeon, whom I had introduced myself to seconds before as his medical student for the day, turned to the male medical student with anesthesia and asked “Are you married?” “No, sir.” “Do you have a girlfriend?” “No, sir.” “Good. Women…

  • We’re Having A…..(Oh, and I passed boards…again)

    We’re Having A…..(Oh, and I passed boards…again)

    It always makes me laugh how things play out between our personal lives and our professional lives. My last set of board results were slightly overshadowed as you can see here…and I love it. For those of you who don’t know us, we have two beautiful “little” girls. Our lives have been filled with pink,…

  • On Being Pregnant…Again

    On Being Pregnant…Again

    First, I want to get the “usuals” out of the way. Yes, we know what causes this (I’m a freaking doctor, for crying out loud). Yes, this was planned. (See #1). No, we were not/are not “trying for a boy”. We always knew we would have “3 or 4”…(see #2). And this is how we…

  • 28


    Well you know you’re in trouble on your birthday when the waiter brings the entire male staff to sing your “Happy Birthday” tune while making jokes about it being your 22nd birthday. Apparently I have truly entered adulthood, though I blame that on the fact that I had both of the kids with me. But…

  • Fruit Picking

    Fruit Picking

    I’ve heard it said that we should be careful what character traits we ask The Lord to give us…because in order to become patient, one must be placed in a position that requires patience. Things like loving our enemies, being joyful no matter the storm, choosing direct kindness instead of writing someone off… We want…

  • What the Last Day of Medical School Feels Like

    What the Last Day of Medical School Feels Like

    March 11 was my last shift as a medical student. A doclette. A wanna-be-doctor. A short coat. Whatever you want to call it. I was excited and knew it was a big deal. It was all I thought about for a week. What I didn’t expect were tears. Tears of pure relief. Medical school is…

  • Match Day!

    Match Day!

    Well you all hopefully understand the process a bit better, and now all 4th years that have matched are ready to be FREEEEEEE!!! We are excited to announce that: 1. I will be training as a Family Medicine Physician at OSU for 3 years beginning July 1, 2015!!! 2. WE GET TO STAY IN TULSA!!!…