To Be Known
“Love never fails. But where there are prophecies, they will cease; where there are tongues, they will be stilled; where there is knowledge, it will pass away. For we know in part and we prophesy in part, but when perfection comes, the imperfect disappears. When I was a child, I talked like a child, I…
Let’s start with Bill. (From the Archives)
Well, Finals start Tuesday. For those of you who are new to the blog, sorry that I’m about to drop off the face of the planet!!! I felt like this post would be appropriate considering the freak out that is happening in my mind right now….and now….and now….but this too shall pass. Enjoy! First,…
If you’re one of those “go with the flow”, “glass is half-full”, “I’ll get it done tomorrow” kind of people, you may not understand this. Opposite people (like me) will understand this completely. I hate not being productive. Yes, I do my fair share of slacking off and socializing…now. Believe it or not, that was…
Passion or Compassion
Alright. Stick with me. I think it will be worth it. I debated on whether to put pictures and such…but…I think it would be more of a distraction about cool places or (if it were me) digress to pity. And pity is absolutely NOT the point here. Without further ado… “And there came a leper…
80-20 Rule
Has God ever taken you on a journey that just doesn’t make sense sometimes? Yea… Starting this blog was kind of difficult for me, to be honest. I wasn’t sure how I felt about just “putting it all out there”—and running the risk of being labeled…well…all sorts of things like: hypocrite, liar, stupid, naïve, etc.…
Be All There (Part Dos)
Yesterday didn’t start off the greatest. Baby girl woke up at 1 am throwing up. We gave her some Motrin to get her fever down, but it didn’t seem like anything we should take her in for. (To all those wondering, the stuffed kitty kat came out of the wash just fine.) Didn’t sleep much—and…
It’s Not the 4th of July…
My first phrase as a kid was “I do it myself”. If you know me at ALL, this probably doesn’t come as a surprise. I mean, c’mon! See how good I was at getting toilet paper? I was a pro! I definitely understand the whole “I might as well do it if it’s going to…