Calling All Runners!

Or Bikers (bicyclists?….bicyclers?).

Or Walkers! (Now that I can handle.)

If you haven’t heard of the app “Charity Miles” yet, you are missing out on a HUGE opportunity to help others while helping yourself.

The information was handed to us after volunteering at our local food bank. And while I’m not exactly the “running type”, I’ve been planning to get into a better routine when classes start back.

The tricky thing is keeping my motivation. While I know all of the good things I’m doing for myself, this is just another way to make me accountable- and make me feel like I’m somehow making a constant difference in the lives of others in the midst of the chaos called med school.

So, I downloaded the app. This picture is a screen shot of my phone, actually. That being said, it’s very simple to download and operate.

“Feeding America” partners with food banks all over the US of A, including the Eastern Oklahoma Food Bank. So, selecting
“Feeding America” as your charity can make a local difference!


Autism Speaks, Habitat for Humanity, The Michael J. Fox Foundation for Parkinson’s Research, and the World Food Programme are some other great options of places to direct your health-conscious donations.

So two things here.

1. Get off the couch. This is usually the hardest part, I will admit.

2. Download the App.

3. Get to movin’!!!


5 responses to “Calling All Runners!”

  1. One must have a smart phone to do this, correct? I am also sending my daughter the link to this blog for her and all her college buddies. Great way to get them connected and interacting.

    • I believe you do, though I THINK it can be either an iPhone or an Android.

      That’s great! It’s one of those things, especially for people who already run or something to just maximize what they’re doing! 🙂 Thanks for sharing!

  2. Will this app work for “pub crawling”… because I’m fairly certain that I could do that! You know what, I should invent an app called “Pub Crawling for Cancerrawling & Other Charities” or “Pub Crawling for Jesus”… or something like that! But, in order to make those apps I would probably have to stop watching football… and that’s not going to happen!

    Thanks for the post. I always like it when people use their blog to promote things of consequence.

  3. Will this app work for “pub crawling”… because I’m fairly certain that I could do that! You know what, I should invent an app called “Pub Crawling for Cancerrawling & Other Charities” or “Pub Crawling for Jesus”… or something like that! But, in order to make those apps I would probably have to stop watching football… and that’s not going to happen!

    Thanks for the post. I always like it when people use their blog to promote things of consequence.

  4. Will this app work for “pub crawling”… because I’m fairly certain that I could do that! You know what, I should invent an app called “Pub Crawling for Cancerrawling & Other Charities” or “Pub Crawling for Jesus”… or something like that! But, in order to make those apps I would probably have to stop watching football… and that’s not going to happen!

    Thanks for the post. I always like it when people use their blog to promote things of consequence.