Tag: Family

  • James 1:27

    You may remember me mentioning some friends that are going to RUN across the ENTIRE COUNTRY of Mongolia to raise funds and awareness for the orphans there. They are doing a great fundraiser that can also remind you to keep them in your prayers as they continue on this journey. Please check it out and…

  • 26


    This year, I spent two days lamenting that I was turning 27…until I realized that I am indeed only now 26. My mom has informed that it will most likely not be the last time this happens. Hooray! Last year on my birthday, I did a lot of looking back—mainly at the good—and took an…

  • Following the Call

    I love opening up and dreaming with people. It’s such a good, refreshing thing to be reminded of the desires we have to change the world. It’s also refreshing to see people living out the dreams that the Lord has placed on their hearts. No matter how much resistance- no matter how “crazy” it might…

  • 2012 in Review

    And now begins the times of reflection that we all have, whether we intend to or not. For some reason, the beginning of a New Year makes us look at the past and the future–all at once. I can’t say I’m really big on “resolutions”. They usually fail by February. Instead, I like to look…

  • Jesus Doesn’t Understand – I’m a Woman!

    When we were kids, my brother and I listened to this one Mark Lowry CD—over and over and over. And there was one song on it that we hammed up big time. “Mary, Did You Know?” It has become rather popular in the Christmas world of pageants and plays. I have seen it done well—and…

  • For All You Worship Lovers Out There

    It’s here! The church is releasing its very first worship album…and you have no idea how excited I am that it is finished! I am so very proud of my husband for heading this up (and for the amazing songs he contributed)!!! The entire team has done a great job and given a lot of…

  • So, You Love a Student Doctor…

    So, You Love a Student Doctor…

    You are the few. The chosen. Perhaps the disillusioned.  But without you, we couldn’t make it. Medicine is a tough road to travel and not just for the student. Sometimes (ok, often times…) it’s the family and friends that get the brunt of it. At the beginning of the school year, I posted 10 Practical…

  • Standing at Attention

    Standing at Attention

    I’ve never been in the military. The only time I ever really stood at attention was for marching band. I was in color guard, so I guess I never stood at a real attention—3rd position is a little weak for that. I was a freshman. The rest of us were already on the concrete practice…

  • A True Friend

    Preface: No. This is not a cliche post about how Jesus is your only “true friend”. It might be a little mushy, but it’s not that…. Like I mentioned before in the entry about her shower, the best friend just got married. The wedding was beautiful. Hilarious. Wonderful. Successful. And my daughter was an absolute…

  • A Desire to Help

    When did we lose the desire to help? It seems so natural to my one year old. Give her a rag and she will wipe everything down for you. Say “Can you put that in the trash?” and, after a few detours, we put it in the trash and clap about it. She loves helping…