Tag: medicine

  • Perspective

    POST TEN! I thought I’d try to be clever—do something really awesome and celebratory for 10 posts…but come on. Maybe when I hit 100… Today, I will be visiting the beach—back in Egypt… …totally and completely in my mind. In reality, I will be getting a ridiculous amount of allergy shots. How many? Let’s just…

  • Be All There (Part 3)

    Yesterday, I was absolutely overwhelmed at the response to my post. I was truly excited, truly humbled… And then truly confused. “Why are people even reading this? I don’t know anything!” And then truly ridiculous. “How am I going to write anything that people are going to care about again? I don’t think I have…

  • Awe.

    “Awe (noun). a feeling of reverential respect mixed with fear or wonder:” Studying Neuroanatomy is pretty awful for me. Awful in the “very bad or unpleasant” sense, sometimes. But, many times, it blows me away how intricately we are created. Do you realize that there are tracts in your body specifically designated to help you…

  • Be All There (Part Dos)

    Yesterday didn’t start off the greatest. Baby girl woke up at 1 am throwing up. We gave her some Motrin to get her fever down, but it didn’t seem like anything we should take her in for. (To all those wondering, the stuffed kitty kat came out of the wash just fine.) Didn’t sleep much—and…