Tag: life

  • Letting Go

    When you first decide to have a baby (or even if it was a surprise), I think we all have this lovely idea of trips to the zoo, cuddling on the couch, and still being able to get all of our normal chores done (which we couldn’t even find the time or motivation to get…

  • Singin’ in the Rain

    Oh, it’s been one of those weeks. Baby girl is doing better, though still not enough to warrant normal life. It’s been difficult to study, and even more difficult to take her to the doctor. I have a very high respect for those parents who have to do that with their children often, for whatever…

  • Combating Misinformation About Vaccines

    This is something I’ve been wanting to write about for a while, but this writer has done an excellent job. I’m in my first year of medical school and have seen too much factual data to not get fired up about this topic. Please read. You may hate me, but it’s the truth. Consider it…

  • Lessons from Having a Sick Baby

    1. Even though I’m in medical school, I still panic like any other mom. I think I might panic even more because I know all of the horrible one-in-a-bagillion chance things that can go wrong or that it “could be”. No fun. No fair. 2. School isn’t that important to me. Don’t get me wrong.…

  • Eclectic Me

    Tomorrow I have a Bacteriology test, which means a couple of things. 1. I’m kind of stressed out. That’s normal. It’ll pass. 2. I will be carrying around 5 bottles of Germ-X, cringing every time Abby plays in the dirt, and overcooking anything I eat. I’ll pass in a few days when I finally annoy…

  • We All Have a Cause…

    This post does have rules. (It’s my blog. I can do what I want.) 1. If you break it you buy it. If you read it, you interact with it. 2. If you don’t plan to participate, do not continue reading, do no pass go, do not collect $200. We all have a cause. We…

  • A Drink in the Desert

    Have you ever been alone with God? REALLY been alone with God. No music. No message. Just you and Him. “When they were alone, He expounded all things to His disciples.” Mark 4:34 “Our solitude with Him. Jesus does not take us alone and expound things to us all the time; He expounds things to…

  • All Things Easter

    Being in an osteopathic medical school and attending undergrad where I did, I automatically like to think of things as “Spirit, Mind/Soul, Body” or “Spiritual, Emotional/Mental, Physical”. So why not Easter? Easter is pretty much a BIG deal. And it’s all about Life…especially the life that we can have through Jesus. (Warning: Lots of Clicking…

  • Baby Steps, Bob!

    When change happens TO me- it seems to happen suddenly. Last January there was one business week that went something like this. 1. Michael’s interview at The Church. 2. We found out that we were having an “Abigail”. 3. I had my medical school interview. 4. We closed on our first house. Talk about change.…

  • Bounding Into Health

    Death sucks. I’ve had people that were too close to me pass too early. And even when those who had lived a full life pass (like my Mama Kay who lived to be in her 100’s), it is still no fun. Disease sucks. I worked with breast cancer patients for two years…saw the good and…